This assignment talks about the Young Emirati learners in the 21st Century. Also, analyses teaching and assessing literacy for the young Emirates.

Young Emirati learners in the 21st Century-teaching and assessing literacy

Write an academic paper of three to four pages in which you outline your position on teaching and assessing literacy for young Emirati learners in the 21st Century. In your paper you need to: State four or five key principles of teaching and assessing literacy for young Emirati learners. Give a rationale for how young Emirati learners should be taught literacy skills.  Including references to the literature and your own knowledge and experience of how young Emirati learners develop literacy skills. Also, Give your rationale for how the literacy skills of young Emirati learners should assessed by including references to the literature. And your own knowledge and experience of how young Emirati learners respond to assessment.  Refer to at least four academic sources.

Young Emirati learners in the 21st Century-teaching and assessing literacy

To understand the purposes of different types of literacy assessment. It is helpful to categorize them based on their purposes. It should be noted that there is much more research on the assessment of reading compared to assessment of other literacy skills. While,  making examples in the chapter somewhat weighted toward reading assessments. Examples of assessments not limited to reading have also been included, where appropriate. As a reminder that literacy includes reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and performing, consistent with the definition of literacy

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