Assignment is to produce a poster/information sheet. There are two scenarios which you can base this on. 1. You can take on the role of a community safety officer or crime prevention agency/expert (someone tasked with responding to crime or disorder and coming up with solutions to particular crime problems in a given place). You can come up with a name for your agency or initiative e.g ‘Bede Park Fear reduction team’ or ‘Adam’s community safety experts’ etc. The community can be real as in a particular part of Leicester e.g Castle Ward or Bede Park or somewhere from your hometown, or the place can be entirely fictional. So, your role would be to come up with a solution to prevent a particular type of crime or disorder. Examples could be violence, sexual assault, muggings, graffiti/vandalism, drug dealing/taking, burglary, knife crime, signal crimes, tackling fear of crime, burglary, terrorism, cybercrime…or anything else of your choosing. You will want to clearly define the crime or disorder problem; explain what is happening and why it is a problem that needs attention. You will then offer solution(s) to help prevent/reduce the problem. Your outlining of the crime problem and your solutions must refer to appropriate criminological theories or concepts to justify your choices and explain why your interventions will be effective. Some examples of relevant theories or concepts are rational choice theory, routine activities theory, crime pattern theory, broken windows theory, strain theory, signal crimes perspective, control signals, responsibilisation strategies, defensible space, natural surveillance/eyes on the street, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), secured by design (SBD). 2. You can take on the role of a product/place/app designer (an independent expert or member of a police force) and offer your critique of an existing place (a building, a university campus, house, housing estate, town centre, park, bus stop, bar/club etc, hostile architecture) or ‘naïve’ product/app (amazon key, drones, smart cars, street signs, laptops, phones, smartwatches, crime maps) and explain why it is attracting crime/fear of crime or being abused to commit crime. Or in the case of hostile architecture, why it is being discriminatory towards certain social groups. Or you can come up with your own original idea or design for a place/product/app and show how it addresses a particular crime problem. So, your task is to explain why a particular place/product or app is attracting crime/fear of crime or being abused to commit crime, or being discriminatory. And you will want to offer design solutions to help prevent crime/reduce fear of crime or opportunities for their misuse. Your explanations for why the crime/fear of crime/misuse is happening and your solutions must refer to appropriate criminological theories or concepts to justify your choices and explain why your interventions will be effective. Some examples of relevant theories or concepts – rational choice theory, routine activities theory, broken windows theory, crime pattern theory, signal crimes perspective, control signals, responsibilisation strategies, defensible space, natural surveillance/eyes on the street, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), secured by design (SBD). What you need to produce: 1. A one-page poster using PowerPoint or MS Word (check google for instructions for how to create posters using PowerPoint and MS Word). Posters can be made in landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical) mode. 2. Posters should be a single page. There should also be an additional page for references. 3. The poster should contain approximately 1000 words of content. 4. What is important is that you provide enough explanation of the problem and your solutions, and you relate these to appropriate criminological theories. Questions to think about: have you explained the theories in enough depth and detail? Is the poster easy to understand? Does it make sense? Does it look appealing and attract readers? 5. Provide evidence to support your points. Referencing should be done within text e.g (Name, Year). Quotes can be used but must be referenced correctly e.g “…” (Name, Year: pp) 6. Also provide full reference list on a separate page below your poster. 7. Posters should use google images (or even your own photographs if you want), and other relevant visual aids if applicable. 8. Each student will upload their poster to Turnitin. Assessment criteria: 1) Structure, use of language and clarity 2) Good understanding of relevant theories or concepts in explaining the crime/disorder problem. 3) Good understanding of relevant theories or concepts in offering preventative solutions to crime/disorder problem. 4) Good level of critical analysis shown toward relevant theories/ crime prevention measures. 5) Good alignment between definition of problem and chosen solutions e.g do the solutions fit the identified problem, are they appropriate, likely to work, cost effective, aesthetic, discriminatory, practical to implement, realistic? 6) Overall presentation and coherence