|The assignment covers the  Works of art Analysis essay- Sandro Botticelli.So, Identify and describe both formally and conceptually two works of art by Sandro Botticelli.

Works of art Analysis essay- Sandro Botticelli

Your essays should be about  1000- 1,500 words. You can work on this essay ahead of time and just cut andpaste it into the exam. The Question: Identify and describe both formally and conceptually two works of art by Sandro Botticelli . Next talk about how that artist has influenced other artists or styles – Sandro Botticelliand who may have influenced that artist. Then conclude as to why you choice this particular artist. This important early work by Botticelli commissioned by Guaspare di Zanobi del Lama. A banker who had built a chapel in the church of Santa Maria Novelli in Florence. It is possible that del Lama chose this subject to decorate his chapel. Because one of the Magi, traditionally known as “Caspar”, or “Gaspare”, is his namesake.

Works of art Analysis essay- Sandro Botticelli

According to Vasari’s Lives of the Artists, the work depicts several members of the Medici family. Including Cosimo the Elder, and his sons Piero and Giovanni. Who were all deceased at the time the painting made, as the three Magi. The Medici family often associated themselves with the Magi. Or three Kings from the Nativity story. Even riding through the streets of Florence dressed as them every Epiphany. The Medici were friends of the del Lama family. And important patrons for Botticelli himself. This is not a research paper so you do not need to give me when th

e artist was born and when they died. Looking for your viewpoint and impressions of this artist so do not copy information from the Internet. Your essays should be about 1,000- 1,500 words.

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