The assignment focuses on Workplace Communication Tips. Besides, there is also an analysis of Engaging Millennials. So, demonstrate your “proof of concept” by showing examples from the marketplace.

Workplace Communication Tips – Engaging Millennials Analysis

Firstly, what communication strategies should Millennials entering the workforce consider important as they develop relationships with up to 4 other generational groups? Secondly, please write a 5 min speech about the topic above. Also, state your business problem to the class. Thirdly, present your solution to the assigned issue. Answer the question. Additionally, support your claims with credible research and factual language. Fourthly, demonstrate your “proof of concept” by showing examples from the marketplace. This is a form of evidence.

Workplace Communication Tips – Engaging Millennials Analysis

Also, communication has evolved in different generations over the years, which has brought challenges in communication between different generations. The globalization of languages has made languages evolve over the years, and this is a significant challenge that has led to a communication barrier between different generations (Hughes).Millennial and Generation Z grew up in a different environment with other generations in terms of communication styles (Hughes).  Millennia’s and Generation Z prefer communicating using different technological communication platforms as opposed to other generations that prefer one on one and in written form.  There is also a difference in formalities of communication between Millennia’s and Generation Z and other generations.

Workplace Communication Tips – Engaging Millennials Analysis

Organizations need to come up with communication strategies that suit their organization’s needs. Lack of effective communication affects the morale and loyalty of employees. Hughes, Joanna. “Communicating With Generation Z: Everything You Need To Know.” Keystoneacademic.Com, 2018, Accessed 14 Apr 2020. Mazzola, Joseph. “Workplace Communication Tips for Generation Z – AMA.” Leadership & Business Management Blog, 2018, Accessed 14 Apr 2020. Schenarts, Paul. “Tips for Effectively Communicating With & Engaging Millennial & Gen Z Workforces.” Protiviti.Com, 2019, Accessed 14 Apr 2020.

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