The following assignment about ISIS/ISIL Women Recruitment and Gender, War, & Peace Class proves essential.Hence people can get quality information about Gender, War, & Peace class. In this case, If a woman does become politicized, it is attributed to her sociobiological role whether or not she remains a mother. Why use FEMALES as bombers? The erroneous social logic plays into the hands of terrorists beautifully. Use it to strategic advantage Advantage of surprise, not suspected Practical.
ISIS/ISIL Women Recruitment: Gender War and Peace Class
Firstly, this is for my International Studies: Gender, War, & Peace class. I will upload prompts (which look more like suggestions) and rubric and helpful sources on next page. Below I will copy and paste random notes I have taken that could prove helpful: Maternalism/Maternal Thinking A frame of mind that concerns itself with promoting the next generation (Sara Ruddick: femenist peace theorist).
Secondly, if a woman does become politicized, the attribute remains to her sociobiological role whether or not she is a mother. However, misunderstood – NOT originally meant to apply solely to women Meant it as a mindframe that people get into. Thus, Her theory was oversimplified to applying only to women. Was not intended to be sexist but used in sexist ways. Why use FEMALES as bombers? The erroneous social logic plays into the hands of terrorists beautifully. Hence, use it to strategic advantage.
ISIS/ISIL Women Recruitment: Gender War and Peace Class
Thirdly, advantage of surprise, not suspected Practical. Thus, a force multiplier (doubles amount of available poeple). More so, publicity: double the shock and awe of power. So, stronger recruitment and fear tool. Reasons of males, females more complex, similar than allowing. 1. Religious – offer a moral justification for immoral act. (compared with Bosnia), rewards in afterlife Gaza: suicide bombers. Thus, using religion to justify and rationalize tactics they were using. Bosnia: no SBs. 2. Nationalistic – patriotism provides additional/alternative moral justification.
Read more concerning ISIS/ISIL Women Recruitment here.
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