The assignment focuses on Women participating in politics in U.S. Also, there is a description of barriers contributing to low political participation. So,  identify the main factors limiting African women from participating in politics in the United States.

Women participating in politics in U.S-barriers contributing to low political participation

Appendices This research will utilise secondary data in exploring the factors that limit African women from participating in politics. In the process of collecting data, World Bank database will utilised. This will ensure that the research collects detailed information that will used to develop themes about the barriers that have contributed to low political participation among African women in the United States. Therefore, the main method of data collection will be interviews. Since this method of data collection is time-consuming, a small sample will used in this study. The findings that will obtained will generalised to the entire scope of women’s participation in politics in the United States.

Women participating in politics in U.S-barriers contributing to low political participation

Main Objective. Firstly, identify and discuss the main barriers to political representation of Afro-American women in the US and the possible ways in which such challenges can mitigated. General Objectives. Secondly, to identify the main factors limiting African women from participating in politics in the United States. Thirdly, to investigate the initiatives that have put in place to enhance African women’s participation in the United States. Fourthly, to determine level of representation of African women in American political leadership.

Women participating in politics in U.S-barriers contributing to low political participation

 The concept of political representation is misleadingly simple: everyone seems to know what it is, yet few can agree on any particular definition. In fact, there is an extensive literature that offers many different definitions of this elusive concept. This seemingly straightforward definition, however, is not adequate as it stands.

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