The assignment focuses on Women and Work In Cameroon-changes in women’s role. Also,  analyze the changes in women’s role in Cameroon Society and how they helped in the development of the country.

Women and Work In Cameroon-changes in women’s role

Women and Work In cameroon Paper details. I am interested in looking at the history of women in the workforce and how it has improved since the colonial time. Women constituted about 52 percent of the population of the Cameroon and played a vital role in the development of the country on all levels. The purpose of my paper will be to analyze the changes in women’s role in Cameroon Society and how they helped in the development of the country.  “The more women we have in digital business, the better for the emancipation and growth of women,”. Said Minister of Post and Telecommunications Minette Libom Li Likeng. “Digital economy is the future for our country and Africa. It plays a very important role in economies in developing countries. We will look for efficient and effective ways to encourage young digital entrepreneurs,” 

Women and Work In Cameroon-changes in women’s role

Rural women now contend with an increased and exploitative workload, since many able-bodied men have gone to seek wage-earning employment in the cities or on plantations. In fact women’s work never seems to end. All day all night they tend to be doing one thing or another- cooking, cleaning etc. However because of low wages paid these male workers (about 30,000francs CFA a month), the money sent to their wives and families in the villages is hardly enough to sustain them. Rural Cameroon women must work twice as hard to make ends meet. In this way, they subsidize the meagre wages paid their husbands by company and plantation owners. In so doing these women inadvertently serve the interests of the dominant economic system and help to raise their profits.

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