Discuss why it is important for leaders to develop individuals in order to

foster a resilient team.

5. What is change management and why do some individuals resist change in

the workplace? 2022 Latest Answers  

– Resilience is the ability to regain balance following exposure to an adverse  

event. It is seen as a facilitator for change, along with being a means of  

quick recovery.  

– Leaders often face challenges and crises that test the strength and fl exibility of their systems and resources. Numerous genetic, neurobiological,  

developmental, and psychosocial factors have been associated with resilience and an individual’s response to stress .  

– The neurobiology of resilience can be applied to management techniques.  

Genes and neurochemicals work together to impact one’s ability to manage stres s but individual resilience is largely determined by non-inherited  


– Mastery of challenges early in the life of the individual and of an organization have a stress inoculating effect , leaving the individual/organization  

better prepared to deal with future challenges.  

– A wide range of psychosocial factors interact with genetic, developmental,  

and biological factors to infl uence stress response.  

– Resilient organizations support strong and clear missions, resulting in  

members viewing their work as signifi cant, improving job satisfaction ,  

reducing job turnover, and allowing the organization to more readily overcome adversity.  

– Resilient leaders and organizations often live by a set of values and moral  

principles that foster integrity and strength during times of adversity.  

– Resilient leaders are typically realistic optimists who understand that an  

underestimation of risk and an overestimation of ability can lead to failure.  

Resilient leaders do not engage in confi rmation biases when warning signs  

do not fi t with the expected business plan. Confi rmation biases pose risk,  

as businesses lose time and money by not taking corrective actions.  

– Resilient leaders understand the importance of facing fear, particularly the  

fear of change. They recognize the capacity to effectively deal with change  

is critical to any vibrant organization and that the resilient organization  

must strive for continuous improvement through corrective action and  

anticipate future challenges.