The Youth Café is a not-for profit pan-African youth organization that was founded in 2012 and works with young people in Africa and around the world to foster community resilience, propose innovative solutions, drive social progress, enable youth empowerment and inspire political change. The Youth Café is headquartered at Kitisuru Gardens, in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Youth Café’s work is based on its current strategy,[1
][2] its Youth Manifesto[3][4][5] (they facilitated its creation in Kenya during the 2017 general elections
[6] and required that the next president needed a youth manifesto[7]
[8]) and the African Union Youth Charter[9
][10] (a political and legal document which serves as the strategic framework that gives direction for youth empowerment and development at continental, regional and national levels). These guiding documents looks at today’s youth bulge as an opportunity for development and economic growth. This drives their work for implementing multidisciplinary and multi-perspective projects including Peace and Security, Preventing Violent Extremism; Governance and Political Inclusion (Remittances and Accountability); Culture, Arts, and Sports; Education and Skills; Business, Job Creation and Entrepreneurship; Universal Health Coverage; Environmental Preservation and Climate Change. Their projects have reached many youths. In addition to their stand-alone programs, they maintain long-standing collaborations with partners worldwide. Their work is regularly cited by media and government bodies, and used by firms, investors, philanthropic leaders and policymakers such as Participedia,[11]
UNESCO,[12] Climate Links,[13] Apolitcal,[14] Global Donor Platform,[15] Ethelo,[16] and UNODC.[17] They also produce Youth Cafe, a youth TV program on KTN that host debates on matters and issues pertaining the youth.[18]