Emotions convey information both intrapersonally, to oneself, and interpersonally, to others.
• The social-functionalist theory focuses on the role that emotions play in
conveying intentionality and future behavior toward others.
• Emotional intelligence is viewed not just as a single capability, but rather
as a collection of related skills.
• Three models of emotional intelligence with corresponding measurements
have emerged: (a) MSCEIT , (b) R. Bar-On’s Emotional Quotient Inventory
(EQ-i), and (c) Goleman’s Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI).
• All three emotional intelligence tests and their developers have shown
through research and practice that emotional intelligence can be measured
as an ability (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2004 ), a skill (Bar-On, 1997 ), or
a competency (Goleman, 1985 ).
• The link between leadership effectiveness and emotional intelligence has
become an increasingly focal point for scholars and practitioners in the
fi eld of management.
• Since leadership can be defi ned as an emotional relationship of trust, emotional intelligence is clearly a factor in leadership effectiveness.
• Aptitude in each of the areas of emotional intelligence has been shown to
contribute to effective leadership, including self-awareness , self-regulation , motivation , empathy , and social skills .
• Leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence successfully manage
complex challenges through building trust, self-confi dence and courage,
understanding the needs of others, communicating openly and directly,
showing genuine concern for others, and collaborating.
• Recent empirical studies reveal the contributions of emotional intelligence
to effective leadership within the fi elds of healthcare, fi nance and banking,
project supervision, information technology , and change management .