The assignment talks about Web-based tools appraisal-improving client care. Explain the type of Health Information Technology (HIT) you would advise to support the care delivery.

Web-based tools appraisal-improving client care

Your organization has set a goal to expand the use of web-based tools for their patients for your unit. So, As a DNP leader, you are tasked with the responsibility of selecting a web-based tool to support and improve client care within your unit at your facility. So, through the lens of usability, evaluate two consumer healthcare websites, consumer eHealth program aims, or electronic web-based intervention tools that you might use with your client population. Create a written proposal with your recommendations to the board. Instructions Part I: Research and Identification Step 1: Firstly, Gather user experience and usability information. So, review User Experience Honeycomb. ( Review Usability Evaluation Basics (

Web-based tools appraisal-improving client care

Step 2: Secondly, Identify two specific web-based tools to evaluate. Types of web-based tools include: Consumer healthcare websites Consumer eHealth program aims Intervention tools Part II: Written Proposal Step 3: Evaluate two web-based tools. Describe the client population.Also, explain the type of Health Information Technology (HIT) you would advise to support the care delivery. Also, evaluate two consumer healthcare websites, consumer eHealth program aims, or electronic intervention tools you might use with your patient population. Evaluate each for the balance between context, content, and user needs. Describe the user’s experience: Usefulness, Desirability, Findability, Accessibility, Credibility (and accuracy), and Value.

Calculate the readability level. (Select a site for calculating readability; there are many such sites out there.) Advise on usability. Although you can’t complete the testing, you can address design, ease of learning, efficiency of use, memorability, and potential error frequency. Appraise how well the sites support consumers’ healthcare needs. Provide an overall summary of the pros and cons of each site.

Detailed Instructions


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