Detailed Instructions


The impact of shortage of quality labour

•The impact of high operational cost of distribution channels

•The impact of out of stock or overstocking occurrences

Distribution channel management is increasingly experiencing challenges due to changes in both domestic and global markets. Choose any (1) operational challenge experienced by global distribution channels listed below. Briefly discuss the impact of the chosen operational challenge has on distribution channel management and most importantly, how the chosen operational challenge may be eased or resolved

•The impact of shortage of quality labour

•The impact of high operational cost of distribution channels

•The impact of out of stock or overstocking occurrences

More about this task:

The paper provides a discussion of warehouse and distribution channels challenge and how the challenge can be eased or resolved. Therefore, the discussion will begin by discussing the impact of the warehouse and distribution channels on the distribution channel management respectively. The aspects of interest in this paper will include the impact of the shortage of quality labor. The second significant aspect that will be explored includes the impact of distribution channels cost that tend to high and unsustainable. Finally, the paper will explore the occurrences of out of stock or overstocking. The above aspects will be investigated while relating them to the increased challenges of globalization in both the local and international markets.

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