The assignment explores Virginia’s winery plan-.examination case study.

Virginia’s winery plan-.examination case study

2 Part Exam Part 1. Accounting Exam is attached please complete.

Part 2. Examination of the Virginia’s winery plan Details for Part 2 Here’s your scenario. Furthermore, The Vines have submitted the Virginia’s winery plan to you as a potential investor. Identify your financial style from the Prince list (Provided) and use that style as the point of view to complete this portion of the exam. Also refer to this article about EDITDA as you think through your answers. But instead of this being historic data, the financials are all about what they expect to happen.  You are going to analyze what they submitted and tell them what is good, what is missing or incomplete and what you feel needs more information for you to make a decision.Besides,  You are  going to analyze what they have or don’t have in terms of financial policies and how to improve them.

Virginia’s winery plan-.examination case study

You are to consider company-wide policies that they mention or don’t mention in the plan as well as by those related to function.  (Sales, Marketing, Operations, Financial Management, Books and Records Management, and Admin/Infrastructure/Personnel). Some examples might be credit, discounts, bundling, data security, tax planning, asset management, etc.. A business plan should demonstrate well thought out numbers and good management that is fair, accountable, and transparent. Also, decide and comment on does this plan do that and if not, what  needed. Again, I should see your financial style in your analysis and recommendations. Provide an action item bullet list to do if you are willing to invest.  Before you give them a “to do” list and suggestions, you going to analyze the financials for the following five items listed below: Also to submit in your analysis discussion using the above and using the projections sheet:.

Detailed Instructions


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