This assignment focuses on Best Treatment Modules for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders. So, incorporate visuals, video, music, interesting facts, etc. Use your first content slide as a hook to grab your audience’s attention.

Best Treatment Modules for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders

Best Treatment Modules for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders. Attached is a peer review of my paper. Also attached is a review from my instructor. I need all of this put together on one perfect Lit Review with suggested correction made. ******************* Objective: Create presentation slides that convey information in an organized, easy-to-follow, and professional manner. Instructions: Upload your slides here (or link to your Prezi). What to cover in your slides: Your slides should be a guide for your presentation, which will cover the literature review.

Do not copy and paste sections from your literature review into slides and do not include paragraphs on any of your slides. Use succinct bullet points and key words, or even better, visual representations of information, when applicable. Use direct quotes sparingly. This is a chance to have fun and be creative. Incorporate visuals, video, music, interesting facts, etc. Use your first content slide as a hook to grab your audience’s attention.

Best Treatment Modules for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders

Research Question Background/context on the topic Findings Discussion Strengths & limitations of both the literature reviewed and your own process This is where you can touch upon the methods section, but it does not need to be in as much depth as the methods section of the lit review References (should be last slide) Specifics: Include a minimum of eight slides (not counting title page and references) APA citations should be included for info that is not common knowledge. They can be small and at the bottom of the page, but they should be included where the info is mentioned. Include a minimum of three images/infographics/charts (citations are generally only needed for information-based images such as graphs or infographics.

Detailed Instructions


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