The assignment focuses on the Types of User segmentation-product Divide and Conquer. So, Reading – The 6 types of user segmentation and what they mean for your product Divide and Conquer: How To Segment Your Market Without Pissing Anyone Off “Eve Hanlin Example” (Pages 4 & 5)

Types of User segmentation-product Divide and Conquer

Reading – The 6 types of user segmentation and what they mean for your product. Divide and Conquer: How To Segment Your Market Without Pissing Anyone Off. “Eve Hanlin Example” (Pages 4 & 5) The Definitive Guide to Buyer. Personas for Beginners Template. Buyer Personas Questions. Based on the two customer segmentation articles provided, broadly speaking. Which 2 criteria (e.g. Psychographic, Behavioral, Demographic, etc.). Also, Make the most sense/are most appropriate. For how you might approach customer segmentation for the product category you’ve chosen for your team project?. For each, briefly discuss why you believe these approaches make the most sense.

Types of User segmentation-product Divide and Conquer

 Next, focusing on just one of the segmentation criteria you identified above. lease create 3 distinctive potential customer segments and develop preliminary personas for each. When developing your 3 personas, please reference the “Eve Hanlin Example”. Also, integrate appropriate persona details (including secondary research and sources). Utilizing the articles and templates provided. In addition, make sure you include an appropriate photo/image of your potential customer. Along with some possible demographic and psychographic information.So,  Based upon your preliminary assumptions, What are your customers’ primary motivations. To make a purchase (e.g. save money, more convenient, faster or easier to do, look good, more reliable, etc.)? Marketing helps you understand your user, focus your product on your user needs and take the product to market. This post is set up to mimic what would you go through when segmenting your customers.

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