U.S. Notes and Q and A due complete at the end of week (Friday at 11:59 pm). Entire doc counts as 1 grade in schoology. Sun 16: Activities:

 Canadian culture completed. 

1. students write down 1 topic they find interesting about Canada from the video and research it some more. Provide link to information. Use Culture of Canada PP. Focus on slides 8 – 19. https://www.slideshare.net/abs22950/canada-cultural-powerpoint Response: 2. Immigration Activity: take immigration qualification assessment. Copy and paste or write down results on this doc. https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp Response: Mon 17: Activities:

 Introduction of USA: pop’n, physical geo, government, culture. 1. Intro to USA each state: Activity: choose a fact that stood out the most, research more, and discuss it. Provide link to information. https://www.slideshare.net/kadirpiskin/usa-culture-presentation Response: 

2. Physical Geography of U.S: Activity: discuss the following areas or features of the physical geography of the US: mountain ranges, valleys, plains, atlantic coastal plain, the great plains, the continental divide, the great basin, death valley. U.S. Notes and Q and A due complete at the end of week (Friday at 11:59 pm). Entire doc counts as 1 grade in schoology. https://www.slideshare.net/TrinityWatkins/geography-of-the-us-4-regions Response:

 3. Gov structure slides: Activity: Define terms: Democracy, constitution, republican party, democratic party, federal system, 3 branches of government, cabinet, congress, house of representatives, senate, supreme court, https://www.slideshare.net/MsSbarbada/the-united-states-government-66978964 Tues 18: 4-5 regions of US: 4 regions: Northeast, Midwest, South, West.. or 5 regions: northeast, midwest, southeast/southwest, west) 1. Northeast region: metropolitan areas, physical geography, economy, customs. Blank Map of U.S. for activities: https://worldmapblank.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Usa-Blank-Map-Outline.pdf Activity: Use https://www.freeworldmaps.net/united-states/northeast/ to color in / outline the northeast region states. Write in each states name for the region. Attach image into this document. (save map to color in future regions) Response:

 U.S. Notes and Q and A due complete at the end of week (Friday at 11:59 pm). Entire doc counts as 1 grade in schoology. 2. Activity: Map Interactive. Use link to answer the following: Which northeast states are on the “Most liveable states” list?

 Explain why you think they may be on the list. If you do research, provide the links. https://www.infoplease.com/us/states/most-livable-states Response: 

4. Activity: define the term: Megalopolis and attach an image of 1 from the northeast region to the response. https://www.slideshare.net/awzst1/the-northeastern-united-states Response: Wed 19: Midwest: agriculture, physical geography, economy, customs. 1. Activity: Describe the culture of the majority of the midwest. Use the terms arable land, corn belt, dairy belt to discuss the midwest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHs25PZ5Uf4 Response: 2. Details: https://www.slideshare.net/Mardj/the-midwest-usa Activity: 

Choose 2 midwestern states. Explain its history, climate, customs and traditions. Response: U.S. Notes and Q and A due complete at the end of week (Friday at 11:59 pm). Entire doc counts as 1 grade in schoology. 3. Activity: Use the same map from northeast regions to update it. Use https://www.freeworldmaps.net/united-states/midwest/ to color in / outline the Midwest region states. Write in each states name for the region. Attach image into this document. Response: Last class (4th class): Review: – U.S. 50 states: physical geography, gov structure, cultural norms, – Northeast and Midwest regions economies, physical geographies, and customs. Activity: Classmate Evaluation: choose 1 classmate on your own time during zoom to evaluate their Summative midterm website projects. Choose from the list below. Choose from within your class only so you can send it to them privately. Comment on their: organization of presentation, attractiveness of presentation, and if the information was relevant and thoroughly explained all needed areas. Select one website from link below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g1Sy_XSaR1GaYxIpFO60muKSozH2v241/edit?usp=sharing&ouid =100384278138168464290&rtpof=true&sd=true Response: – organization of presentation: – attractiveness of presentation: – the information was relevant and thoroughly explained prompts