This assignment explores the Trends in state appropriations. Additionally, it discusses about Funding of higher education. So, address why an administrator of a state institution would need to be aware of these trends?

Trends in state appropriations – Funding of higher education

The text discusses the appropriations allocated to public institutions by the state government that assist in covering the cost of attendance.So,please find academic articles that discuss these appropriations. Also, how they have influenced the funding of higher education. The relative effort of states in funding higher education can be evaluated using a variety of metrics. In the annual State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) report, several ways of assessing state effort are presented, such as by analyzing higher education spending relative to personal income, population, or total tax revenue. So, each measure highlights different aspects of the general concept of state higher education funding effort. Within the empirical literature, state effort has examined using several of these measures.

Trends in state appropriations – Funding of higher education

Your paper should:

1. Summarize what the article and book say about this topic and discuss the trends in state appropriations.
2. Address why an administrator of a state institution would need to be aware of these trends?
3. Also,discuss how future generations of HIED institutions will balance a budget if appropriations were to disappear?
4. Identify additional consequences/benefits associated with state appropriations.

Papers should use all APA standards, include citations other than our text and be less than 5 pages in length. 

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