The assignment focuses on Transportation Security in the United States. Also, there is a description of measures taken by governments in response to terrorism. So, you required to describe the measures taken by governments and companies in response to terrorism.

Transportation Security in the United States- measures taken by governments in response to terrorism

 Transportation Security, Violence and Drug Use, and Retail Security

Firstly, what are the real issues that need to be considered in implementing additional security measures on public transportation in the United States? Does it vary depending on the city? Secondly, describe the measures taken by governments and companies in response to terrorism. Do you feel the measures are sufficient? Just for show but not effective? Over the top? Or a mix? Also, explain your answer. Thirdly, identify the most common method of associate theft of cash at the point of sale (register) and the best way to reduce the opportunity for this loss. How do you see this type of theft changing as we increasingly become a cashless society. Fourthly, case Study: Ms. Smith is the new security manager for a small regional retail establishment selling farm supplies, clothing, and hardware items. Additionally, she is responsible to ensure inventory shrinkage is kept to an absolute minimum.

Transportation Security in the United States- measures taken by governments in response to terrorism

Inventory shrinkage occurs in many different ways one of which is through persons entering the store and committing theft. Store owners have noticed that shrinkage has increased dramatically over the past couple of years and decided to hire Ms. Smith in an effort to reduce shrink. Being a family oriented business which hires only local people, they have instructed Ms. Smith to focus on the shoplifting problem. In order to reduce shoplifting theft, Ms. Smith attempted to improved security in two areas. First; she hired several new security officers to work as “plain clothes” store detectives and second; she installed a video surveillance system. However, after 6 months, the retail shrink figures have not been reduced. What other security techniques might Ms. Smith try in order to reduce shoplifting losses? What other shrink options should Ms. Smith consider? 

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