This assignment focuses on Tourism and COVID 19. There is also a description of effective community communication practices on social change. This assignment develops your skills of analysis around communicating to community stakeholders and the explanation of communication processes.

Tourism and COVID 19-effective community communication practices

Individual: Review of Literature Report Individual: Review of Literature Report This assignment relates to all the paper Learning Outcomes 4. Advice: For this assignment start to identify – through search/researching – a possible focus. Use Google Scholar and put in some key words. Then look at the titles and small bits of information under the titles plus to decide if you want to click on it and read the article. Keywords for searching Google Scholar e.g.

If you want to focus on Tourism and COVID 19 = tourism COVID19 tourism If you want to focus on under 30s civic engagement (and make it straightforward for yourself) = young people civic participation If you want to focus on effective engagement tools for inclusion and participation with young people = effective engagement inclusive tools for young people in civic engagement Key benefits of doing this assignment: This assignment is seeking to help you identify effective community communication practices for social change.

Tourism and COVID 19-effective community communication practices

This knowledge through reading and analysing other people’s work can then inform your group pitch and relevant aspects could be drawn on in your individual critical reflective essay assignment too. So,  A critical skill for any leader/manager is the ability to research, read, synthesis, draw conclusions, plan, time manage and communicate an effective written report analysing a communication situation, message or channel for an organisation.This assignment develops your skills of analysis around communicating to community stakeholders, the explanation of communication processes, problems and opportunities in order to recommend effective, ethical interventions.

So – you can focus on the issue/s that relate to your group client research i.e. Youth Engagement; Civic Engagement, Participatory etc. Task: So,  Read the relevant literature on working with and within communities to gain social change. The focus is on the communication aspects that can support this work with the community around a particular issue. Focus: You select a focus. 

Detailed Instructions


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