The paper talks about Theories of human Development- Erickson’s Psychosocial theory. Therefore, discuss any two of the following developmental theories to explain human development: Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory. Watson’s Behavioral Development,
Theories of human Development- Erickson’s Psychosocial theory
Theories of Development paper. Discuss any two of the following developmental theories to explain human development. Erickson’s Psychosocial Development, Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory and Watson’s Behavioral Development. Also, discuss Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. The, the research paper must have an introductory and conclusion paragraph. Also, each section (theory) must have a heading. Each section must have a minimum of three paragraphs. Guidelines: firstly, This is a 4-5-page paper (including cover page and reference page)
Secondly, this paper must have a reference page and a cover page. Thirdly, Also,this paper must typed and double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman and the headings must be in bold. 4. Do not write in first person, this is a research paper, not an essay. Also, this paper must contain a cover page (including running header and page number) and a reference page (APA formatted), introductory paragraph and conclusion paragraph.
Theories of human Development- Erickson’s Psychosocial theory
6. This paper must include citations (mandatory). 7. This paper must be in APA format. Refer to for APA formatting. 8. This paper must be submitted in Word format on Blackboard. It the paper cannot be opened, it cannot be graded. 9. Thus, this paper must contain at least three scholarly sources (The following not allowed: Wikipedia, spark notes, simple psychology, about psychology, boundless textbook, encyclopedia, and dictionary 10. Also, Utilize the College online library or Google Scholarly. 11. Besides, The references must be within (2000-2020) 12. Then, The paper will be submitted through Turnitin and should be under 15% for originality. Multiple grade reductions and/or a zero grade will result for plagiarism. 13. So, write as a research paper, not an essay. 14. An introductory paragraph in the beginning of the paper and a conclusion paragraph at the end of the paper is required.
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