The assignment focuses on Theories of expression-Art and criticism after 1945-. You are required to compare and contrast two or three different theories of expression as they developed by artists or movements after 1945
Theories of expression-Art and criticism after 1945-
Take-Home final research paper. Firstly, choose one topic from the prompt. The paper must anchored in art and criticism after 1945, with an emphasis, like the class, on European and/or US art practices. Length: 1,500 words References: You will need to consult at least 2-3 books and 2-3 articles or shorter texts, which should appear in a bibliography at the end. Try to avoid online sources unless you are confident of the academic quality of your source. A good answer will include a discussion of a key art work in relation to which you can develop arguments. This is best if done comparatively in relation to another work. Citations: Follow MLA or Chicago, and be consistent. Answer ONE question with reference to at least two movements
Theories of expression-Art and criticism after 1945-
Firstly, compare and contrast three different theories of expression as they developed by artists or movements. Secondly, discuss two or three different approaches to the use of or allusion to popular culture by artists or movements after 1945. Thirdly, with reference to two or three artists, discuss the different ways in which post-1945 art practices have understood contextually. That is, through their relation to historical, social, political or philosophical contexts.
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