The assignment focuses on Themes of human nature-Moes and Tellinghuisen textbook. Also, clearly describe these points of agreement, including the basis for how you think they agree or disagree.
Themes of human nature-Moes and Tellinghuisen textbook
Research on two of thrive human natures. Students will write a double-spaced, 3-page (maximum) report in which they describe a specific research. Finding in the textbook that is relevant to at least two of the five themes of human nature outlined in the Moes and Tellinghuisen textbook. In this report they will describe what the finding is (referencing the specific page the finding discussed on). Also, how it related to the themes (two minimum). The research finding may support or contradict any particular theme of human nature. It is the student’s job to clearly describe these points of agreement, including the basis for how you think they agree or disagree. Students will conclude with a brief discussion on practical implications for Christian living. (e.g., how might/should this research finding influence how Christians live their lives if they want to more fully enact their beliefs).
Themes of human nature-Moes and Tellinghuisen textbook
Human nature is unavoidable. In his novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding is making a profound statement on human nature. He is expressing mankinds essential illnesses through the boys on the island. Golding establishes that the nature of human beings is truly destructive, evil and savage. A Critique of Education Mary Shellys Frankenstein focuses on human nature and on the possibility of controlling experience in order to shape character and cultural values. Specifically, it focuses on the influence of education and experience in effecting behavior. In Joseph Conrad’s novella, Heart of Darkness, Marlow – who is both the protagonist, whose actions make up the main plot of the novel, and the narrator, whose thoughts and attitudes shape the reader’s perception of the story – has a revelation about human nature. Initially, he associates things such as civilisation,
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