This assignment entails “Hardware” Case Study.So, the ZX Spectrum Home Computer Students are required to produce a case study on a hardware invention of their choice.

“Hardware” Case Study-The ZX Spectrum Home Computer

Assessment 1: portfolio case studies Case Study is required about a piece of “Hardware” Case Study. The ZX Spectrum Home Computer Students required to produce a case study on a hardware invention of their choice. This is to be no longer than 750 words in length (10% -/=). Tips There are few guiding points regarding the case study: • Case studies are   expected to be informative and original pieces of work. • They should demonstrate an awareness of historical developments relevant to the subject. So, It  expected that they will draw on some critical reading (ie books/journals etc). And not be wholly reliant on singular web sources (e.g. Wikipedia). • It would expected that a minimum of three academic sources will cited.

“Hardware” Case Study-The ZX Spectrum Home Computer

 It expected that they will written in a third-person perspective. • Images and diagrams permitted. • Case studies should emphasise the importance or significance of the specific subject matter. Assessment advice for case study (revised by student) 1 – Pick a relevant case study (e.g. ZX Spectrum) and appraise it. 2  You need to outline why the ZX Spectrum was significant, how it came to prominence. Consider some of the main design features (e.g. compared to rivals like Commodore 64 – if appropriate) . 3  Include some observations/quotes/claims made about the ZX spectrums 1.failings or 2.successful attributes (do not use both, just pick 1 or 2 for the case study),. Also, Assess how the ZX Spectrum stands in the historical context of that specific type of technology.  Make sure that you focus upon the product not the business (ie Sinclair).

Detailed Instructions


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