The assignment deals with The Three Headed Janus-Cybersecurity case study.Therefore, Download and read the case “Cybersecurity: The Three Headed Janus.” In addition,Prepare a written case study analysis of the case study using the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) process and other applicable constructs, addressing the below issues.
The Three Headed Janus-Cybersecurity case study
Download and read the case “Cybersecurity: The Three Headed Janus.” 2. Prepare a written case study analysis of the case study using the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) process and other applicable constructs, addressing the below issues. Besides,A written case study analysis will normally be within the range of 4 typed pages, 12 pitch font, double spaced. Some examples of previous student case studies are provided at the bottom of the opening page in Canvas under “Root Cause Analysis Examples.” Your analysis should address: Firstly, Relevant facts and issues,Secondly, Identification of the root cause
The Three Headed Janus-Cybersecurity case study
Thirdly,development of alternative solutions (where appropriate) and discussion of the advantages/disadvantages of those solutions. Fourthly, Recommendation of a solution to resolve the identified root cause; identification of the human resources (HR) and financial concerns needed for the recommended solution. Lastly, Cyber security lessons learned. ). In the process, this case highlights conflicting strategic choices and opportunity costs of decisions in an environment that requires a company to be both competitive and yet secure across three cybersecurity facets: technology, processes, and people.
The Three Headed Janus-Cybersecurity case study
This cybersecurity case study offers an active learning and role-playing experience for students. Immersing the student in the anatomy of a cybersecurity attack, this case converges various perspectives: the hacker, the company, and the macro environment (e.g., country cultureIn addition, for this case, please address the below questions in your written analysis. We will also address these questions in a discussion: 6. What are the people, processes, or technology failure points in Randcom’s security that require attention? 7. What is the ethical dilemma for Randcom between choosing greater public access and protecting consumer privacy? Is the CEO unethical? Why or why not?
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