The assignment concentrates on The Sustainable agriculture analysis. Also, there is a description of social benefit and risks. So, establish the current stated of business and/or consumer adoption of the Sustainable agriculture

The Sustainable agriculture analysis-social benefit and risks

part 1. Firstly, explain the Sustainable agriculture: how does it work, what does it do? Secondly, what is the problem that the  Sustainable agriculture addresses? Thirdly, what is the current stated of business and/or consumer adoption of the Sustainable agriculture? Fourthly, what are some of the challenges and barriers to adoption of the Sustainable agriculture, and how might those challenge addressed?Fifthly, what are the social benefit and risks associated with the Sustainable agriculture?

The Sustainable agriculture analysis-social benefit and risks

Some financial institutions continue to be uncertain about the importance and benefits of addressing environmental and social risk. A few financial institutions, such as those that operate in smaller markets. Or engage in financial transactions with low perceived environmental and social risk. may argue that a Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) is not relevant to their financial performance.

The Sustainable agriculture analysis-social benefit and risks

Or that it increases transaction costs without bringing financial benefits. Also, some financial institutions may feel that environmental and social risk management provides no value-added to their portfolio and consider “green” markets as niche products in which their clients/investees are not interested.

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