You will write a 12–page research-oriented paper. The paper must focus on Policy Analysis in Corrections. The paper must also be in current APA format. The APA headers, as a minimum, must be APA Level 1 headings for Problem, Significance, and Solution. The subthemes of the solution section must contain APA Level 2 headings or beyond. The paper must include a minimum of 12 references in addition to the Bible. All references must be academic/peer-reviewed sources. A minimum of 8 references must be recent peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years. You must choose a major criminal justice policy issue (excluding death penalty, legalization of marijuana, gun control, and any other topic deemed not acceptable by your instructor). The approach outlined below can be used for minor policy issues, major policy issues, minor budget issues, major budget issues, equipment implementation, and any issue dealing with a policy proposal. Identify an issue that needs to be addressed. Discuss the problem in a few brief paragraphs. Discuss the significance of the problem (the significance discussion must contain the majority of your references).

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One of the main issues that face criminal justice professionals includes the use of drugs and crime cycle. According to trends and statistics, between 50-80 percent of men often test positively for drugs (Aguirre-Molina, et al., 2002). Such instance presents the challenge of the vicious cycle of crimes and use of drugs in the correctional institutions. The implications linked to such instance leads to the challenge of managing the convicts’ behavior and attitude. It is imperative to come up with policies that help in maintaining control as well as the promotion of institutional safety. This approach is line with policies that promote behavior correction such as the policy on the role of corrections…

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