The assignment focuses on The Innocence Project-initial investigation, arrest, and trial.Based on everything you have learned in this course, compose a 3-4 page paper illustrating three errors made during the investigation, arrest, detention, or trial, that negatively affected the defendant’s case.

The Innocence Project-initial investigation, arrest, and trial

Find a case that has either  investigated by The Innocence Project or that, in your opinion, should have been  investigated by The Innocence Project. Find out as much as you can about the initial investigation, arrest, and trial. Based on everything you have learned in this course, compose a 3-4 page paper. While,  illustrating three errors made during the investigation, arrest, detention, or trial.  That negatively affected the defendant’s case. Cite your sources. Minimum Requirements: Provide a 1000-word minimum essay. Use property APA formatting and citations, including ‘in-text’ citations. Reference at least 5 outside credible resources.

The Innocence Project-initial investigation, arrest, and trial

But from the very beginning of these efforts, it was clear to the Innocence Project that to be fruitful in this arena, the organization’s approach would require more than simply presenting solid facts and figures; it would demand persuasive stories that would touch both hearts and minds. It would require face-to-face interaction with the very people most vested in changing the laws: individuals who’ve lived through a wrongful conviction.

Over the past 13 years, the Innocence Project has partnered with dozens of people who’ve been exonerated of crimes they didn’t commit to convince state and federal lawmakers that they need to pass laws that will prevent wrongful convictions. These powerful partnerships led to the adoption of more than 100 criminal justice reform laws across the country.

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