The assignment focuses on The Influence of Love Life Status-Grades of Business Statistics Students. Also, collect, organize, present, analyze and interpret the data from at least 25 respondents.

The Influence of Love Life Status-Grades of Business Statistics Students

Firstly, the Influence of Love Life Status on the Grades of Business Statistics Students. Also, it is advised that variables to be studied are in connection with any topic which relates to your course. Make a survey questionnaire. Additionally, collect, organize, present, analyze and interpret the data from at least 25 respondents. Also, there should be hypothesis testing. The following are the parts of your simple project: Title Page I. Introduction and Appendices (10 points) II. Data Collection (20 points) III. Data Organization and Presentation (30 points) IV. Data Analysis and Interpretation (40 points) For the Title page, you are free to use any format that you would like as long as your title and name is there. Introduction includes a brief background of your study, Statement of the problem, hypothesis and the purpose of conducting it (100-500 words).

The Influence of Love Life Status-Grades of Business Statistics Students

Data Collection includes the description of the steps that you have undergone in gathering your data, sample size determination and sampling method used. Organization Data and Presentation should include graphs and summarized tabulation of results of the survey and the presentation of data. Data analysis and interpretation is the part where you write the steps of your hypothesis testing and your conclusion. Appendices include the survey questionnaire used and documentation that you have done the work (if possible). Like it or not, money has a say in whether people get into or stay in romantic relationships. But it’s surprisingly hard to know for sure just how much the almighty dollar can influence your decisions about whether to swipe right on Tinder, or even to step out of a committed relationship.

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