The assignment concentrates on The Hero and Heroine in Film. Also, there is a description of  Joseph Campbell’s theories. So, you are required to carefully relate the film content to the lecture materials explained within Unit 8: Myth, Fairy Tales, and Initiation. Section II:

The Hero and Heroine in Film-Joseph Campbell’s theories

The Call Of Jihad: Daesh’s Conceptualisation of Jihad Compared to Other Islamist Groups Post 9/11
Questions – Final – 3 Sections Each section requires a minimum response of 200 words of analysis. Section 1: The Hero and Heroine in Film. Do you think your film choice involves initiatory elements of the hero quest. Also, heroine quest in fairy tales? Also, does the gender of the main protagonist in your film choice align with the traditional role of hero or heroine? What are your thoughts about this alignment? If you choose the hero quest, you must align the content briefly to Joseph Campbell’s theories. The hero quest explained within Unit 7: Joseph Campbell’s Hero Quest (all three): separation, initiation, and return. If you choose the heroine quest, you must carefully relate the film content to the lecture materials. explained within Unit 8: Myth, Fairy Tales, and Initiation. Section II:

The Hero and Heroine in Film-Joseph Campbell’s theories

Mythic Art Please choose a favorite mythic image from one of the units in our course, noting the image title and artist name. If you choose a Header image, you will find a large version of the image you’ve chosen. Introduction and Learning Learning Objectives page at the beginning of each Module unit. How do you feel the image you’ve chosen (making certain to include unit section, artist, and title) succeeds. Additionally in adapting the myth from which it inspired? Also, what artistic details are taking the myth in new directions, building upon familiar themes to make a modern statement? How do you know? Section III: Closing Thoughts Please consider Odin’s quote in regard to his journey as Vegtam the Wanderer. “I would change what knowledge I have into wisdom,” said Odin,

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