The Final

The Final Paper must be submitted to Canvas so DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.

Final Paper is a 3 to 4 page paper explaining what you learned in this course. Describe 3

interesting concepts you have learned about culture and dance. You must including 3 references

from 3 different chapters in the textbook and cite them with (page #).

Writing requirements for the paper:

Write your paper in essay format. At leat 5 paragraphes.

*The Introduction should include your understading of culture and dance after having taken this

course. State 3 interesting concepts that you have learned from reading the course material.

(paragraph 1)

*Give a detailed descriptionof the first interesting concept referencing the page or pages where

the information is found in the book. (paragraph 2)

*Give a detailed descriptionof the second interesting concept referencing the page or pages

where the information is found in the book. (paragraph 3)

*Give a detailed descriptionof the third interesting concept referencing the page or pages where

the information is found in the book. (paragraph 4)

*Conclude your paper with your discoveries and how you will apply what you have learned.


Papers must be MLA format for citations and header (abstract in not needed =

paragraph serves as the abstract) 3 to 4 pages typed, double-spaced 12 font, stan

title page must be included with the title of your paper, your name, then the profes

and the course name, time of class or web course, semester taken. All quoted re

information must be documented in MLA format in the paper (author, publicatio

#) and in the bibliography. Substantial points will be deducted for format errors.n ye


The following deductions will be made for missing requirements. Every paper starts at 100Paper Rubricar, page searchsor’s name ,dard margins. A Dance 301



10 points – for each missing citation referenced from the textbook Dance and Cultural Diversity

formatted MLA using (O’Cadiz 2021, p#). Must have at least one from 3 different chapters in the


30 points –for no citations in paper (must reference the page number)

10 points – for no title page (MLA USUALLY DOESN’T HAVE A TITLE PAGE BUT I AM

REQUESTING YOU INCLUDE ONE- the title page is a cover page with the title of your paper,

your name, the professor’s name, the class name and time, date)

5 points – for incomplete title page information (your name, class, semester, online/web, title of


5 points – for each 1/2 page of text missing (3 pages of text required in addition to 1 source page

and 1 title page, no deductions for more than 5 pages of text)

10 points- incomplete introduction

10 points – incomplete conclusion, state discoveries and profound insights

Deductions will be made for format, punctuation, grammar and spelling errors, and plagiarism.

All Written.

* Appropriately present and organize information

* Choose information from the appropriate source

* Analyze, evaluate or interpret information critically to pursue specific conclusion.

* Clearly articulate the value, validity and relevance of the information and acknowledge

relevant personal perspective(s)