This assignment explores The effects of cross-cultural management for young people with culture barriers. The more culturally aware young people are of different cultures, the less they are to be discriminative to the foreigners in work place areas.
The effects of cross-cultural management-young people with culture barriers
The effects of cross-cultural management for young people with culture barriers.Also, A study to explore the incentive gaps of motivational culture intelligence, and cross-cultural resilience that impacts the level of performance
1. Employees who come from the same culture are more likely to perform better in group or organization projects than those of different cultures due to better communication and alignment among them as their behavior confidence is stable.
Agree disagree
Why – Most people agree to this statement, some reasons included were due to language barriers, confidence level, comfort, same culture creates a better understanding, which makes it easier for them to work
2. Also, The more culturally aware young people are of different cultures, the less they are to be discriminative to the foreigners in work place areas.
The effects of cross-cultural management-young people with culture barriers
Agree disagree
Why – everyone agreed to this statement, reasons given were due to acknowledging the differences, makes it easier to communicate. Helps understanding others and their values
3. Cross-cultural resilience helps foreigners/ has helped you perform better in your work so far despite the culture shock or difficulties due to language barrier.
Agree disagree
why – some people agree due to body language can help, valuing the differences can help. People disagreed can cause slow work, less productivity, communication can be hard at times when you are unable to understand their language
4. The criterion space that determines how effective an expatriate or employee performs is three dimensional namely; withdrawal cognition, adjustment and performance. With withdrawal cognition being as a result of individual differences and behaviors arising from culture.
Agree disagree
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