This assignment explores The effect of linguistic influences from foreign countries on to the Vietnamese language. This argumentative paper will focus on the side of how beneficial the linguistic influences from other foreign languages is a key role in the Vietnamese language

The effect of linguistic influences- the Vietnamese language

The effect of linguistic influences from foreign countries on to the Vietnamese language. This argumentative paper will focus on the side of how beneficial the linguistic influences.  From other foreign languages is a key role in the Vietnamese language. While, also including a counterargument on how “it is non-beneficial.” At least 6 sources are required, with 3 of them having to be “academic-oriented.” Further instructions on this assignment will be uploaded. Most studies on cross-linguistic influence have so far focused on the effect of the first language on the second.   Or foreign language for pedagogical purposes. However, cross-linguistic influence is bidirectional, also allowing for ‘reverse’ transfer. This article sheds light on the influence of English on modern standard Arabic (MSA).

The effect of linguistic influences- the Vietnamese language

It discusses the most common linguistic manifestations of this reverse interlingual transfer together with some of the possible consequences. Data were collected from books, articles, manuals, reports and recommendations. Adopting a descriptive linguistic approach, the paper lists some of the manifestations of this reverse transfer such as transliteration, substitution, re-ordering, overproduction, omission, poor translation, calquing, borrowing, and code mixing. It also enumerates some of the detrimental effects of reverse cross-linguistic transfer from EFL to MSA: linguistic invasion, ‘foreignness’, alienation of the audience and the speaker/writer. Also, incomprehensibility, misunderstanding, and exposing readers to poor and incorrect MSA.

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