The assignment discusses The Cat on the Hot tin Roof. Besides, there is also an Analysis of  Williams Play. So,  The cat refers to a particular fantasy of femininity and feminine desire.

The Cat on the Hot tin Roof- Williams Play Analysis

Description. Firstly, based on the biography of williams tennessee and the cat on the hot tin roof answer the questions: how does alcoholism, homosexuality, and the southern influence play a major role in cat on a hot tin roof and William’s life? requirement: do not use documentation; rely on won observations and perspective.

The Cat on the Hot tin Roof- Williams Play Analysis

Secondly, like many of Williams’s works, Cat concerns itself with the elaboration of a certain fantasy of broken manliness. In this case a manliness left crippled by the homosexual desire it must keep in abeyance.

Brick is Cat‘s broken man. The favorite son and longed-for lover of a wealthy plantation family, he possesses the charm of those who have given up and assumed a pose of indifference before the world. Brick—a “brick” of a man—embodies an almost archetypal masculinity. Brick’s “enviable coolness,” however, the coolness of repression, a repression that keeps his desires at bay. Brick an alcoholic who cannot avow the desire in his relationship with his dead friend Skipper. Turning from his desire, he has depressively distanced himself from the world with a screen of liquor. He reduced to the daily, mechanical search for his click that gives him peace.

The Cat on the Hot tin Roof- Williams Play Analysis

The cat refers to a particular fantasy of femininity and feminine desire. The play’s primary cat is Maggie, a typically hysterical, dissatisfied Williams heroine who prostrates herself before Brick. Maggie’s loneliness has made her a “cat,” hard, anxious, and bitter. The exhilaration of Williams’s dramaturgy lies in the force of the audience’s identification with this heroine, a woman desperate in her sense of lack, masochistically bound to man who does not want her, and made all the more beautiful in her envy, longing, and dispossession.

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