The assignment focuses on The 1930’s Depression causes- indicators of economic change. Also, you are required to explain the economic factors determined the timing, acceptance and effects of fascist sentiments

The 1930’s Depression causes- indicators of economic change.

Firstly, what were the root causes of The 1930’s Depression. Secondly, to what degree were the various major European economies affected by the effects of The 1930’s Depression? Thirdly, Cite specific measurable indicators of economic change. Fourthly, what were the circumstances that explain how fascism arose in certain countries? Fifthly, explain the economic factors the determined the timing, acceptance and effects of fascist sentiments. Sixthly, are there lessons for today in Europe? Economic growth a result of either an increase in factor inputs and/or an increase in the efficiency of the factor inputs typically measured in terms of total factor productivity. Thus Early pattern of developing economies characterized by increasing returns 

The 1930’s Depression causes- indicators of economic change.

A good deal known about what makes for successful economic development, but very little known about how to get there. That entails an understanding of the process of economic change. The paper first examines the sources of successful growth and then explores the process of dynamic change of economies. As to sources of growth, three fundamental factors discussed. Basic economic determinants, the institutional framework and the cultural heritage of society. The main force underlying dynamic economic change is interaction between institutions and organizations. Economic and social organizations of society such as firms, households, schools, and political parties forced by competition for scarce resources to continually invest in new skills and knowledge to survive. The institutions provide the incentive structure that dictates the kinds of skills and knowledge that organizations as entrepreneurs perceive to have the maximum payoff.

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