The assignment focuses on Tesla Solar City Acquisition. Also, there is a description of Financial Statement Analysis. So, you are required to discuss whether Tesla should use debt or stock to make an acquisition of Solar City.

Tesla Solar City Acquisition- Financial Statement Analysis

Firstly, create a power point presentation advising  acquisition benefits, risks, and valuation. **IMPORTANT** PROVIDE THE EXCEL SPREADSHEET WORK FOR ALL WORK. Secondly, introduction: Summary of the proposed. Secondly, financial Statement Analysis. Thirdly, provide a summary of the business model and financial performance from 2014 through 2016. Analyze growth, profitability, working capital, liquidity and financial leverage ratio trends using the data in the case. (15 pts) (3) Build vs Buy: Discuss the strategic benefits or drawbacks of whether Tesla should build its own lithium ion battery factory capacity, contract batteries from Solar City, or acquire solar city to obtain lithium ion battery supply capacity.

Tesla Solar City Acquisition- Financial Statement Analysis

Use Porter’s Five Forces and the Ansoff Matrix in your answer. (15 pts) (4) Projections and Valuation Methods: Provide a valuation of Solar City using DCF and one of the additional metrics studied this semester which you believe is most appropriate (Dividend Discount Models, EV/EBITDA, EV/Sales, P/E) (20 pts) (5) M&A Opinion: Explain whether the proposed offer to purchase stock at $29.35 per share is reasonable. Explain why or why not with your valuation data. Specifically discuss whether you agree with proposed cost synergies of 20% and other strategic benefits of the deal. (15 pts) (6) Capital Structure: Discuss whether Tesla should use debt or stock to make an acquisition of Solar City. Specifically mention two benefits and two drawbacks of using equity and debt financing for the acquisition for Tesla (the acquirer). (15 pts) (7) Conclusion: Do you recommend the aquisation. (10 pts).

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