The assignment talks about Team Psychological Safety- Sunk Cost Fallacy.Therefore, the case study is based on events that happened during an expedition to climb Mount Everest. There is a movie based on the events as well which we watched in class. It is not necessary but if you wish to, it might be worth seeing the movie to see what happened.

Team Psychological Safety- Sunk Cost Fallacy

2. Coursework 1 Brief: This file is the briefing we received for the assignment.

3. Harvard Case Study – Mount Everest: This is the case study that the assignment is based on. However, on the course website linkprovide there are multiple other useful reading materials that relate to the assignment.

4. Lectures notes about coursework concepts: This powerpoint presentation briefly details the different theoretical concepts that should be chosen for the coursework such as, psychological safety or sunk costs.

Team Psychological Safety- Sunk Cost Fallacy

5. Coursework examples: I have provided 3 examples of the completed coursework from a previous year. Please have a look at them and try to make this one similar, following a similar structure.

5. FAQs: Just some questions that students had asked about the coursework, not that much useful information in there.


The case study is based on events that happened during an expedition to climb Mount Everest. There is a movie based on the events as well which we watched in class. It is not necessary but if you wish to, it might be worth seeing the movie to see what happened. Highly recommend watching it, the movie is actually very good. Provide a link in case you wish to watch it online, there are some pop-up ads:


The two conceptual areas TO  write about are Team Psychological Safety and Sunk Cost Fallacy. File (5. A-grade coursework example 1) is written on those two as well, so please have a read through it and use it as an example. Please check the coursework brief, the additional reading provided on the website, and the coursework examples provided as you write this essay.

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