Detailed Instructions


You started to expand your business a few months ago, based on the franchise system. During the initial stage of the expansion, you didn’t realize the importance of systematized strategies for a franchise system to become successful. Now, you are very keen to focus on developing some effective strategies. Prepare a report on your franchising system, addressing the franchise relationship, social responsibility, legal matters and the future of this franchising system. In your report discuss the following areas from the standpoint of a franchisor: strategies for negotiation, innovation and emotional turbulence

More about this task:

 This report will focus on exploring systematized strategies for a franchise system. It will look into addressing the franchise relationship, social responsibility, legal matters and the future of franchising system. The report will focus on specific areas from the standpoint of a franchisor including the strategies for negotiation, innovation as well as the emotional turbulence. The analysis of a franchise system will argue the importance of systemized strategies for a franchise system. The strategies will be essential in determining the success of a franchise system. This consideration will be helpful in considering franchising as an option of expanding the business.

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