The paper focuses on Symbolic Interactionism theory and emotion of jealousy. Describe the three different categories of emotion (basic, culturally specific, & higher cognitive; which one is jealousy?)

Symbolic Interactionism theory-emotion of jealousy

Use the theory of Symbolic Interactionism and the emotion of jealousy. (You can use more emotions if you like) to explain and illustrate the impact that culture has on emotion. Be sure to include these elements:
• Describe the three different categories of emotion (basic, culturally specific, & higher cognitive; which one is jealousy?)
• explain the theory of Symbolic Interactionism, including its 3 premises
 use Symbolic Interactionism to explain how jealousy can inspired by different things in different places and times
• explain the ways in which culture works to shape the eliciting, experience and understanding of emotion.

Symbolic Interactionism theory-emotion of jealousy

You feel jealous when you are having a relationship that is important to you. which, is now threatened by someone else who is also trying to have such a relationship. In a case of jealousy there are (at least) three players: you, the mate, and the rival. The most typical example is that of romantic jealousy. You are in a relationship with someone, and you believe that someone else is trying to get involved with your partner.
The jealousy is obviously the most intense if you think that your partner interested in these advances. However, even if that is not the case, you can be jealous. Jealousy can also be non-romantic, however, the premise remains the same. You have a relationship with someone or something, and a ‘rival’ is threatening this special relationship. For example, children may feel jealous when they get a little brother or sister. Since the special relationship they had with their parents is now in jeopardy.

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