The paper talks about Surveillance and Eyewitness Identification-Stop and Frisk.So, explain the legal issues that pertain to using fixed and moving surveillances.

Surveillance and Eyewitness Identification-Stop and Frisk


  • Criminal Investigation: Chapters 8 and 9

Essay Expectations:

  • Length: At least 1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Each topic should be discussed in your essay.
  • Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. Be sure to answer all questions. There should be clear headings in your paper that shows each section you are addressing.
  • References: Support your ideas with at least 3-4 citations in your essay. You should include the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.

Essay Prompts:

1. Explain the distinctions of the following types of surveillance. Also include a situation in which each type of surveillance would be the best choice, and why.

  • Close surveillance
  • Discreet surveillance
  • Fixed surveillance
  • Loose surveillance
  • Moving surveillance

Surveillance and Eyewitness Identification-Stop and Frisk

2. Explain the legal issues that pertain to using fixed and moving surveillances.

3. Explain in detail “Stop and Frisk.” Conduct online research into some of the controversies with this procedure and what sparked them. Also include your opinion on this procedure, and make recommendations (if applicable) on how this procedure could be improved upon.

4. Explain the recommended number of persons for a lineup, and how it should be composed. Do you agree with the number and requirements? Also, Explain your answer. If not, make recommendations on how you think it should be changed, and why.

5. Eyewitness testimony is not always reliable, especially in cases in which eyewitnesses report different stories of the same event or eyewitnesses are found to have an ulterior motive for naming a suspect. Write a short essay on eyewitness testimony and your opinion on its effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Cite real cases of eyewitness testimony to support and/or contradict your opinion.

Detailed Instructions


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