The paper focuses on Common surgical procedures-continent urinary diversions.So,The purposes of this assignment are for the student to define and describe the common surgical procedures that result in a stoma and to develop introductory patient teaching skills. In addition, you will be demonstrating your understanding of common continent urinary diversions

Common surgical procedures-continent urinary diversions

The purposes of this assignment are for the student to define and describe the common surgical procedures that result in a stoma and to develop introductory patient teaching skills. In addition, you will be demonstrating your understanding of common continent urinary diversions. Length and Value of Assignment: This is an individual assignment worth 15% of your final mark. Limit the assignment to a total of 13 pages excluding the cover page and the reference list. Assignments longer than 13 pages may be returned unmarked and given a 0%. Assignments must follow the recommendations in the WOC-EP Guideline for Preparing Assignments and use APA formatting for citations and references. This assignment has specific directions as to how to format a table, follow these for the specific question applicable.

Common surgical procedures-continent urinary diversions

For all remaining questions (# 2-5) use a subtitle identifying the question you are answering for example: Three Types of Continent Urinary Diversions and write your answers in a sentence or short paragraph as needed. Knowledge Acquisition Focus: Gain in-depth knowledge about the common surgical procedures that result in a stoma and how this impacts output. Gain an understanding of continent urinary diversions. Expand your understanding of end and loop type stomas. Knowledge to .Practice Focus: Develop a patient oriented vocabulary to explain surgical procedures during pre-op teaching.

For the six surgical procedures listed below, briefly describe in point form, single space, table format the following: a. The surgical procedure: The description of the surgical procedure should be as you would explain it to the patient when doing pre-op teaching. (5 marks x 6 = 30 marks) b. The indications for the surgery. (2.5 marks x 6 = 15 marks) c. The specific risks/complications associated with the particular surgery. Include how this surgery will affect the patient. 

Detailed Instructions


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