
    The student willanswer the following questions given the matrix below.

    The questions will beweighted 37.5 points each for the first six questions (90%) and 25 points forthe last question (10%).

    The answers to eachquestion should be approximately half page, single-spaced, Times New Roman 10font, standard margins.

    Any graphs or chartsdo NOT count towards the half page requirement.

    Itis my strong suggestion that students complete this paper as the classprogresses and not wait until the Module 8 period to complete the work in itsentirety.

The student may select which question to answer based on thecriteria listed below.

Six questions to be selected from the following list are asfollows.

1.Select either Question1 or 2

2.Select either Question3, 4, or 5

3.Select either Question6 or 7

4.Select either Question9 or 14

5.Select either Question10 or 11

6.Select either Question12 or 13


1.   [Source: Chapter 1]:Define the five operations and supply chain processes. Discuss how eachidentified process can be applied to both a product and a service.

2.   [Source: Chapter 2]:Explain the concept of supply chain risk. Discuss how the use of risk mappingcan help identify and mitigate supply chain risk. Use a specific example tosupport your answer to this question.

3.   [Source: Chapter 3]:Explain the difference between an exponential smoothing forecasting model and aregression forecasting model. Explain the supply chain assumptions linked toeach model why it is important to validate these assumptions prior to the useof either the exponential smoothing forecasting model and a regressionforecasting model.

4.   [Source: Chapter 4]:Link the concept of long, intermediate, and short-range planning to forecastingstrategies. Explain how the determination of capacity requirements and acapacity cushion links forecasting strategies to the concept of long,intermediate, and short-range planning.

5.   [Source: Chapter 8]:Explain the concept of sales and operations planning and link this concept toboth capacity planning and forecasting. Use a specific example to support youranswer to this question.

6.   [Source: Chapter 6]:Explain the make-to-stock process. Link this concept to and understanding ofcustomer lead time and inventory investment. Use a specific example to supportyour answer to this question.

7.   [Source: Chapter 7]:Relative to the platform service business model and service failsafing, explainhow the concepts can be utilized to provide proper service while mitigating anypotential risks to performance. Use a specific example to support your answerto this question.

8.   [Source: Chapter 9]:Explain the concept of material requirements planning (MRP) and link thisconcept to inventory holding costs. Explain how each inventory holding cost isaffected by MRP and how this analysis can mitigate supply chain risk.

9.   [Source: Chapter 14]:When selecting location areas, what are six areas that require consideration.In your answer, define these areas. Then, how do these areas affect theeffective operation of the total supply chain management process?

10.[Source: Chapter 10]:Explain how the analytical tools for Six Sigma and continuous improvement canbe applied to assure the dimensions of design quality are achieved relative tosupply chain management. Link this concept to supply chain risk mapping and toservice fail-safing. Use a specific example to support your answer to thisquestion.

11.[Source: Chapter 12]:Explain the concept of a value stream map, the value provided by utilizing avalue stream map, and how statistical process control can be applied to thevalue stream map to help improve a supply chain process.

12.[Source: Chapter 11]:Explain the concept of inventory turns and link this to concepts ofmake-to-stock and forecasting theory.

13.[Source: Chapter 13]:Explain the concept of the bullwhip effect. What is some way to anticipate, mitigate,and prevent a bullwhip effect? If a bullwhip effect happens, what is the impacton the supply chain management process?

14.[Source: Chapter 14]:Explain what mode of transportation is involved in the movement of the greatestnumber of products; and what mode of transportation is limited to specializedproducts such as liquids and gases?

Mandatory questionthis question must beanswered:

In our class, we have discussed many areas of supply chainmanagement. We had some very active and detailed discussions, read the text,and produced a holistic supply chain paper that addressed each objective of thecourse. If you were asked by a peer or your supervisor regarding the value youfound in the class, what would be your response? Expand on why the areas you identifiedadded value. How will you apply the concepts of the class?