This assignment focuses on Successful Intelligence Support in Iraqi War Plan. So, from the required readings (Hooker) and external relevant research identify the areas where intelligence support to the development of the series of Iraq War plans that culminated in OIF were generally successful.

Successful Intelligence Support in Iraqi War Plan

Intelligence Support in Iraqi War Plan..Attention Please: Students will follow Chicago Style as the sole citation and reference style used within this course. All written submissions should  submitted in Times New Roman 12pt font with 1” margins, typewritten in double-spaced format unless otherwise noted within the assignment section of the course. Graduate-level work is expected to be free of grammar, usage, and style errors. Note: Failure to use the required reading thoroughly and in detail (specifics, facts, and examples from the Hooker reading) will likely prevent your paper from earning a grade better than a D or C.

Successful Intelligence Support in Iraqi War Plan

Important note: This is not an assignment about the strategic assessments (NIE) related to WMD in Iraq. This assignment is specifically about intelligence support to the operational planning for the invasion of Iraq. From the required readings (Hooker) and external relevant research identify the areas where intelligence support to the development of the series of Iraq War plans that culminated in OIF were generally successful. Also, What contributed to this success? Please use the Hooker Source**** attached on this request Hooker, Gregory. “Shaping the Plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom.” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, No. 4: 1-132.

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