The assignment focuses on Success or failure of the Woody 2000 case study. Besides, there is also a description of executive briefing. So, develop a debriefing report.

Success or failure of the Woody 2000 case study

Engineering management class project Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details. Firstly,  you (and a partner if you chose) will evaluate the success/failure of the Woody 2000 case study. Secondly, you will develop a debriefing report that should handed in as an executive memo/executive briefing, addressed to your manager. Also, it must include (at a minimum): – Summary problem being solved, goal, and a brief synopsis of key facts. – Responses to all of the questions posed in the case (from pages 11-14 of the case study document). Additionally, you must also provide supporting facts, concepts and tools. Also, reasoning to support your responses to each question.

Success or failure of the Woody 2000 case study

Your response itself not sufficient. You need to include any charts, calculations, figures you may develop as per the requirement(s) of the question. – What tools/concepts did the project team used properly and why you think so? What tools and concepts were used in the case? Do you think these tools/concepts were appropriate and why you think so? Brief reflection on the tool(s) and/or concept(s) used in the case. Supporting arguments and analysis that lead to your rationale. – Outline what you may have done differently if you were the project manager in charge of the project and what tools/concepts would you have applied and why.

Success or failure of the Woody 2000 case study

What additional tools/concepts would you include in this project and why? Supporting arguments and analysis that lead to your rationale. – Recommendations and the rationale for your recommendations. Was the project goal achieved? Why/Why not? What your ideas for next steps? Supporting arguments and analysis that lead to your rationale. Remember: Your opinion does NOT count; your responses, recommendations, and actions, and the support that your analysis provides to support them.

Detailed Instructions


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