This assignment focuses on Theories and Studies Related to Social Trust. Also, explores Reasoned Action Theory (1 page of writing about how the theory related to social trust)

Theories and Studies Related to Social Trust

2.1 Theories and Studies Related to Social Trust

-Social Capital Theory (1 page of writing about how the theory related to social trust)

-Reasoned Action Theory (1 page of writing about how the theory related to social trust)

H4: Social trust has a positive influence on customer trust (2 pages of explanation about H4)

Even though most of the research on social capital focuses on the benefits of social capital, these authors differ in the treatment of the concept. While Putnam’s focus is on the benefit accruing to the community, Coleman and Bourdieu provide conceptualization at individual level. They believe that social capital exists between individuals and can be studied at the individual level.

Theories and Studies Related to Social Trust

Social capital resides in the relations among the nodes and ‘just as physical and human capital facilitate productive activity, social capital does as well’ (Coleman, 1988b, p 101; White, 2002). So, it exists between individuals and by extension can be accumulated by the individuals. Besides,  such a view of social capital rests on the premise that ‘my connections can help me’ (Cross and Cummings, 2004; White, 2002, p 260), it is all about establishing relationships purposefully and employing them to generate intangible and tangible benefits in short or long terms. Also, the benefits could be social, psychological, emotional and economical (Lin, 1986, 1999a, 2000).

Theoretical Framework

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