The assignment focuses on the Structure of the family. It also explains the Religious Differences in families.

Structure of the family-Religious Differences in families

Topic 9 – Structure of the family, such as Single-Parent Households, Step-Families, Adoption, Religious Differences in families, Same-Sex Marriages/Families, etc. Structure of the family In this essay , it need to explain what is Structure of the family and how the Structure of the family related to management of family. Moreover, use the book to be an reference to explain how Structure of the family affect each member of family. Evidence suggests that religion can both help and harm families. We posit that a central reason for these divergent outcomes is a system of dualities at the nexus of religion and family. Additionally, propose a conceptual framework of a dynamic system of religious and relational dualities. We propose eight dualities: Firstly, transcendent and mundane spiritual experiences may affect families. Secondly, families may experience God as a close confidant and an authority figure. Thirdly, religion in families may involve accepting and refusing actions,

Structure of the family-Religious Differences in families

Fourthly, religion in families may include religious expectations and relational compensators. , (e) religion in families may generate and address relational struggles. Also, religion in families may be relationally divisive and unifying, Religious and spiritual diversity are increasing in the United States. This can present unique challenges at the end of life, especially when individuals within the same family have differing beliefs. There are wide variations in individual interpretations of religious teachings. There is also a lack of homogeneity within religions. Health care providers may find it challenging to understand the nuances of individual religious traditions. Clinicians should approach patients and families with humility. A case is presented of a family with diverse traditions in Buddhism, Catholicism, and a nonreligious spirituality.

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