The assignment focuses on MKTM028 Strategic Marketing assignment-business unit.The purpose of this assessment is to produce a marketing audit that would support a marketing plan.

MKTM028 Strategic Marketing assignment-business unit

Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to produce a marketing audit that would support a marketing plan. Therefore,produce a audit for a company (or business unit) of your choice in one sector from; mobile network providers, gaming, fragrance or charity and should focus on one country only. Assessment Task Conduct independent research using quality sources fully referenced to provide the evidence to support your analysis e.g. Mintel, MarketLine Advantage, ABI Global, newspapers, journals, company websites etc. This Marketing Audit  limited in scope and should contain the following areas: (A full Audit, based on Kotler’s format, can be seen in Appendix 1 of this brief) Firstly, Macro analysis (PEEST). Secondly,micro analysis (market, customers and competitors) •Thirdly. Internal analysis (strategy, functions, productivity).Lastly, One-page TOWS matrix and key strategic challenges summary

MKTM028 Strategic Marketing assignment-business unit

 Additionally,Appendices (up to 4 sides of supporting information/analysis, not included in word count which must include the Company Overview) Appendix 1: One-page Company Overview to include; name, type, size, key competitors, customers, products/services. Specific area of focus for your audit – company or business unit and country. Appendix 2: supporting Macro model/framework application Appendix 3: supporting Micro model/framework application Appendix 4: supporting Internal model/framework application This should be in report format.

Your analysis should be succinct and the use of models and tables is encouraged. This should be addressed in a level 7 (MBA) academic style. It should show: • critical awareness in relation to the identification and application of relevant models/frameworks, analysis, evaluation, synthesis and original insights • appropriate academic English for level 7 work • appropriate support from secondary literature supported by appropriate UoN Harvard referencing.

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