Analysis tasks

To help keep the dataset manageable, we have reduced the size from the original survey respondents file as follows:

• not all the topics from the survey have been included in the dataset you are provided with, so you are working with a smaller number of variables

• we have provided you with a random sample of approximately 25% of the responses (approx 2800-2900 respondents), not the full survey response data. In this case study, you are using the dataset we have provided to investigate the following variables:

• Dependent variable: Overall satisfaction with life (WbSatLife)

• Explanatory (independent) variables: Job satisfaction (JobSat), Material deprivation (DvMatDep) For tasks 2 & 3, treat the dependent variable Well-being: overall satisfaction with life (WbSatLife) as a Normally-distributed continuous variable.


Complete the following tasks in your analysis of the dataset using SPSS.

1. Obtain summary descriptive statistics for the dependent variable (WbSatLife).

You should present the following:

• A histogram of the variable distribution

• A table summarising descriptive data about the variable: the number of individuals/observations (n), mean, median, standard deviation, inter-quartile range, skewness and kurtosis.

• Brief interpretation of the descriptive statistics – what do they tell us about this variable?

2. Measure the correlation between overall satisfaction with life (WbSatLife) and job satisfaction

 (JobSat), and interpret your findings. You should present the following:

• An appropriate chart displaying the relationship between job satisfaction and overall satisfaction with lif


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