S​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​elect a variable and two countries to compare; carry out some statistical analyses and write the results up in a short report in sections. select two countries that you want to compare. They need not include the UK. In SPSS, you can select those two countries and either filter out the other countries or save a new version of your datafile, discarding the other countries. There are lots of interesting subjective and attitudinal variables on topics such as personal values, welfare attitudes, sexual identity as well as several demographic variables. Some of these are measured on 11 point scales, some on four or five point scales. You can use any of them as if they are interval variables for the purposes of this assignment. You can also treat those that have four or five points as categorical variables if you wish. The demographic variables are a mixture of interval/ordinal variables. You will need to look at the 2016 questionnaire in order to see the full wordings of the survey items: https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/docs/round8/fieldwork/source/ESS8_source_questionnaires.pdf Some background on each of the question topics covered in the dataset can be found in the following references: Basic Values: https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/docs/methodology/core_ess_questionnaire/ESS_core_questionnaire_human_ values.pdf Welfare attitudes: https://www.bsa.natcen.ac.uk/latest-report/british-social-attitudes-32/welfare.aspx Fear of Crime: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_crime Happiness and life satisfaction: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/behaviouralscience/2016/01/04/happiness-research-draws-our-attention-to-both-structure-and-agency/ Health: https://esr.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/05/16/esr.jcw019.full You can download the dataset and find out about the survey design, the questionnaires and the data here: www.europeansocialsurvey.org/about/ Data analysis tasks 1. Select one subj​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​ective (that is to say, attitudes, values, beliefs) variable as your variable of interest. This is the focus of your report. Write a paragraph explaining what your variable measures and what sociological/psychological construct it taps into 2. Using data from both of your chosen countries combined (what we call the pooled sample), do the following. If your variable is quantitative then present in a table some summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, range and confidence interval) and a histogram. If you are treating your variable as categorical (ie not more than 5 possible values) then present a frequency table and a bar chart or histogram. Describe what you see 3. What are the differences in your variable between countries? Compare the distribution of your chosen variable across your two selected countries carrying out a) a crosstabulation with chi2 test if your variable is categorical (up to five categories) b) comparing means using an independent samples t-test if your variable is quantitative (five or more scale points) Write up what you see in terms of the differences in your variable between countries: c) Are the distributions similar or different? If different (they almost certainly will be at least a bit different) then say in what way (differences in mean, standard deviation, percentages in which categories and so on). d) Are the differences statistically significant? Interpret the results of either the t-test or the chi-square test, depending on which you have carried out, to answer this question. You will need to mention what is the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis and to say what the p-value (sometimes shown as sig. in SPSS). Make sure that you label all of the tables and figures and include them in the main text, not in an appendix. Only include SPSS output that you actually comment on in the text. COMBO ORDER : 4 page Term Paper + Programmin​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​g