SWE 2019 professional standards-ethical principles.In order to meet the learning outcomes for this module, and so pass the assessment, the assignment must demonstrate the following:An understanding of professional values and understanding of basic ethical principles.
SWE 2019 professional standards-ethical principles
– In order to meet the learning outcomes for this module, and so pass the assessment, the assignment must demonstrate the following:
Firstly, An understanding of professional values
Secondly,Understanding of basic ethical principles
Thirdly, An understanding of anti-oppressive/anti-discriminatory practice
Fourthly,Could you mention things like equality act 2010, human rights act etc.
– Look at SWE 2019 professional standards
– BASW 2012
SWE 2019 professional standards-ethical principles
So,‘your assignment will be assessed according to the University Level 4 Performance Descriptor so it’s really important that you pay attention to this marking guidance. So,You will probably pass if you meet the learning outcomes but the actual grade will be determined by how well you have met the Performance Descriptor and this includes referencing’.
SWE 2019 professional standards-ethical principles
Level 4 Performance Descriptor
90 – 100% |
include Focused and comprehensive engagement with the question, showing evidence of in-depth understanding of the issues. Also, Extremely clearly structured and demonstrating a coherent argument throughout. Evidence of wide, independent reading. No obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate. |
80 – 80% |
SWE 2019 professional standards-ethical principles
In addition,Detailed response to all relevant parts of the question with evidence of clear understanding of the issues. As well as.Well-structured with evidence of independent reading supporting the argument.Including, Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate. |
70 – 79% |
Also, include Identification and very good understanding of issues in the assessment. Besides,Full answers to all questions/task. Very clear argument with relevant examples used to illustrate response. Clear evidence of reading outside the module list. Besides.Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate. |
60 – 69% |
ethical principlesSo, demonstrate Good understanding of the issues. Also,Engages directly with the question. Clear argument with good examples used to support it. All main points and important issues of the question/task covered. Also,Some evidence of reading outside the module list. Finally, Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate |
Detailed Instructions