The assignment focuses on Stage model of intervention development- national institution of Health. Also you are required to produce highly potent and maximally implementable behavioral interventions that improve health and well-being.

Stage model of intervention – national institution of Health

Reflection on the national institution of Health stage model of intervention development. The Stage Model is a model of behavioral intervention development composed of six stages. Firstly, basic science (Stage 0), intervention generation, refinement, modification, pilot testing. Secondly, traditional efficacy testing . Thirdly, efficacy testing with real-world providers. Fourthly, effectiveness research. Fifthly, dissemination and implementation research. Sixthly, examination of mechanisms of behavior change. This encouraged in every stage of intervention development. Consideration of the intervention’s ease of implementation encouraged in the intervention development process.

Stage model of  intervention- national institution of Health

The ultimate goal is to produce highly potent and maximally implementable behavioral interventions. They improve health and well-being. Various conceptualizations of research on intervention development share the notion of phases or stages of intervention development. and most stress the importance of translational research. The models generally agree that efficacy and effectiveness research vary along a continuum. Models differ in what stages they include and in the way they number and name the stages.

Stage model of intervention- national institution of Health

Models also differ in terms of the relevance, importance, and role of theory and basic research in intervention development; and in terms of the point at which they emphasize a focus on implementation. The NIH Stage Model created to identify, define, and clarify the array of activities involved in behavioral intervention development to facilitate the scientific development of potent and implementable interventions. Because behavioral interventions frequently do not move beyond efficacy to effectiveness or implementation, several stages of intervention development identified, defined, and clarified in this model to address this issue. For example, early-stage intervention development, refinement, and adaptation broadened to include intervention modification to promote ease of implementation, and, where needed, the development of training materials (Stage I)

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